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  • 01 Introduction
  • 02 Project Plan
  • 03 Research
  • 04 Ideation
  • 05 Visual storytelling
  • 06 Sketching
  • 07 Text Drafts
  • 08 Prototype
  • 09 Design
  • Check-point


Challange The aim for the TEET (Road Life Cycle Information System) is to develop a software solution that enables data collection, management and access throughout the road life cycle. Currently all the necessary data for this

Dialysis monitoring app for patients

UX & UI design for dialysis app. App for dialysis patients that helps them to monitor their indicators on long term basis. Dialysis treatment is very individual and there is no solution fitting everyone. The monitoring

Bee illustration icon

🐝 AR AvaLinn

Conception Purpose of the app is to enable the citizens of Tallinn to experience the landscape architecture solution proposals for the Pollinator Highway via augmented reality. This is the first time in Estonia that a smart

Nudge − Safe Boy

Safe Boy is a health nudge for a dating app based on machine learning and AI. It reminds the user to use protection for safe sex (according to swipes, likes, matches, conversations, time spent in


MYKO is Artificial Intelligence Design Assistant who helps you with the design tasks at hand. E.g. let's say you need to find suitable people from your huge client base (social media followers, e-mail list, subscriptions list,

AvaLinn App

Logo, icon, banner and poster designs for AvaLinn app. AvaLinn app invites people to have their say on designing the public urban space. It is an involvement tool for urban planning where you can share your

App — Dreamcatcher

UX & UI design for Dreamcatcher app. Dreamcatcher enables to share dreams and add meanings. It helps to find inspiration from the dreams and goals of other people. May it be something big they want to

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