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  • 01 Introduction
  • 02 Project Plan
  • 03 Research
  • 04 Ideation
  • 05 Visual storytelling
  • 06 Sketching
  • 07 Text Drafts
  • 08 Prototype
  • 09 Design
  • Check-point
Bee illustration icon

🐝 AR AvaLinn

Conception Purpose of the app is to enable the citizens of Tallinn to experience the landscape architecture solution proposals for the Pollinator Highway via augmented reality. This is the first time in Estonia that a smart

Interfaces In Governance

Book cover design for Peeter Vihma academic dissertation about interfaces in governance. The main challenge was to simplify in an abstract way quite a complex subject. That would carry a meaning of the interaction between

Sumu dance mask illustration.

Su—Mu ✺

Graphic design and branding for ✺ SU—MU. ✺ SU—MU is electro-dance & folktronica act. Combining psychedelic sounds with up-beats, ethnic percussion and ambient tribal vibes. Organic meets the electronic. Let’s dance!

Illustration of a soccerball


Christmas postcard design for Good Deed Foundation.

Book — Throught the Black Hole

Illsutrations and graphic design for the popular science book for children. It explains the modern physics and cosmology through adventures and playful jokes. Head spinning journey starts from black hole that leads to the parallel universes filled

TOUR d’ÖÖ − Wheel card illustrations

Tour d'ÖÖ -- that is a critical mass ride event sprung from the first Tallinn Bicycle Week -- an independent initiative for encouraging urban cycling and bike culture in Estonia's capital Tallinn, as well as

Magus Molekul

Logo and title design for TV show "Tasty Molecule". In collabration with Black Plastic Media Productions (Maria Uppin, Robi Uppin). Music by Robin Uppin.

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